Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Research Sheds Insight into Polo Structure

Polo the sport of kings has certainly earned its place as the champions of sports and requiring the most skill. Researchers delved into the structure of the game through surveying polo players. What they found was interesting in terms of players and their commitment.


The survey was designed to addresses three tasks:

1. Network analysis of the social structure of competition. 

2. measurement of ritual commitment and ritual action. 

3. Effects of gender, age, and class on participant opportunity and skill assessment.


 What they found was,  

-No formal league and pro and amateur often play together.

-Polo often has spousal connection to the game.

-Men had goal advantages.

-Skill and resources seem to come together.

-Polo is a ritualized interaction.

-Most did not suffer regular injuries.

 -Polo players had 5X the mean US income.

A case study of the equestrian sport of polo: An integrative approach to issues of structure, function, and interaction

Merlini, Virginia Louise, "A case study of the equestrian sport of polo: An integrative approach to issues of structure, function, and interaction" (2004). Doctoral Dissertations. AAI3127586.