Sunday, April 5, 2020

Escanaba Polo Mallet Company as an Experimental "Learning Lab" Start-up

Making Mallet Heads
Escanaba Polo Mallet Company is an experimental "learning lab" start-up that focuses understanding how other low capital start-ups can compete in the global market. The Millennial generation may not have access to the same capital and resources that previous generations had. However, they will be a more creative generation that will want to chart their own course in life. Understanding how these start-ups operate and function on a grassroots level is important for developing public policy.

It's not about the money! This is why much of the profits will be donated away to various charitable causes. Its about helping a community find its footing with small sustainable manufacturing (SME). If you can sell Polo Mallets nationally and internationally using the same tools and resources other small businesses have access to it will make a difference in our ability to create more robust industries.

Start-ups are great for leading edge ideas and development. As a sector of society they can contribute substantially to our overall national economy through nimble action and higher profit realizations. That is assuming we find new ways to compete. Others may want to follow the start-up because we plan on doing as much teaching as possible.

Whats a "learning lab" company? ....meaning that we are going to talk about SME and implementing new ideas just to see if they work or they don't work. Hopefully, other entrepreneurs will come to learn from our triumphs and failures so they may start their own businesses with greater success rates. We will talk about what it means to start a small manufacturing business, local labor, regulations, and much more!

If it fails, it doesn't, because we learned and shared it with others! If it is a great success 5 years down the road then we have contributed to our understanding of SME manufacturing and its global export potential. If you like what we are doing buy a mallet, share us on social media, or send us a message (contact form to right).

Save our page and continue to check back as we will be providing lots of great information.
-What it means to start with under $500.
-How to use social media (strategies)?
-Design your own advertisements?
-When should you hire new employees?
-The types of contacts in business?
-Why someone should or shouldn't start a business?
-Helpful and unhelpful legislation.
- etc.. etc...etc...

Our website.....go ahead and share....

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